Husqvarna Opal 670
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Husqvarna Opal 670
The generous 8" (200 mm) sewing surface and long arm makes it easy to sew large projects.
557 stitches
Adjustable stitch length and width
7 Eyelets & buttonholes
8 Memories
- There are 4 built-in fonts for personalizing, labeling and dating your sewing projects.
- Program and save personal stitch settings to the “My Stitches” menu.
- 200 beautiful stitches for endless creative opportunities including 7 mm stitch witdth.
- The Perfectly Balanced Buttonholes (PBB) and the Exclusive Sensor One-Step Buttonhole Foot automatically sews perfect one-step buttonholes every time.
User-friendly Convenience
- The Exclusive SEWING ADVISOR® feature optimizes your sewing with automatic settings.
- 3 LED lights reduce shadows while sewing.
- The Built-in Needle Threader makes threading so easy.
- The Sew On Button Program means buttons are attached easily by machine!
- Fabric cover
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