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We understand that sometimes once a product has been received it is not always what was expected, so we have a straight forward return policy. Whether you have purchased your item online or in-store, items can be returned via courier or brought into our store.
Under the United Kingdoms Distance Selling Regulations, if you have received goods and have simply changed your mind about purchasing them, you may return the goods to us for full credit, subject to the following conditions:
If goods are refused by us, because the above criteria is not met, we will return them to the customer and also charge the customers payment method for the value of the carriage.
If goods are found to be faulty, damaged in transit or sent in error, we will arrange collection from addresses in United Kingdom mainland and pay the return carriage cost.
In order to proceed with a return please complete the form on the 'Returns Form' page to request an RMA number. Equally please feel free to get in contact either by phone on 01992 640250 or through our Contact Us page on the site.